Energy Efficient Windows Can Save You Money!
When you fit Energy Efficient Windows to your home you can seriously save money on your energy bills. It is estimated by the Energy Saving Trust that households can save between 130-150 when windows are fitted with energy efficient technology.
By reducing heat loss when you fit energy efficient windows the environment also benefits, important for those concerned about the carbon footprint that our modern lives cause. Standard windows, which are usually single pane, have been shown in tests that they are very inefficient in keeping heat contained in the home.
Choosing the right window for your home is vital to making your home as energy efficient as possible. It is important to make an informed choice when buying energy efficient windows and you should always look for the Energy Saving Recommended logo. This means that the window and pane has been tested to ensure it is as energy efficient as possible.
Energy Efficient Windows Key Factors
When you decide to fit energy efficient windows to you home there are 3 components, which are vital to take in to consideration. The window frame material, the Energy Saving Window glass rating, and the way the window operates are key to ensuring your windows are as efficient as possible.
The Window Frame
The material you choose to fit your energy efficient windows or energy efficient double glazing with plays a key part in how energy efficient they are. Each material has pros and cons which may suit your household needs.
Metal or Aluminum Frames
Advantages of metal or aluminum frames are that they are very strong, not as heavy as other materials and do not require high maintenance. A disadvantage is that they are not so good at providing insulation.
Composite Frames
Composite window frames are made of composite wood products. These frames have better stability and thermal insulation properties than wood, and last longer as they are more durable.
Fiberglass Frames
Fiberglass window frames offer high insulation properties when the air cavities with the frame are filled with insulation. Fiberglass provides a strong structure for the window frame and result in high energy efficiency for windows.
Vinyl Frames
Vinyl windows are often made with polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Advantages of PVC is that in the frames do not require painting, have good energy efficiency with good insulation. Unfortunately in extreme weather conditions PVC can warp in heat and crack in the cold.
Similar to Fiberglass, vinyl frames can be filled with insulation to increase energy efficicency. These well insulating frames are often used with double glazing and high energy efficiency rating windows.
Wood Frames
Wood frames can perform well when it comes to energy efficient windows. A disadvantage is however that they also can be affected by changes in the weather. They also are heavy and take up more space reducing light in to the room, as well as needing the most work to maintain.
Window Glazing and Energy Efficiency